What we do
​​Our work is situated in a sobering reality. Black, Brown, and Global Majority communities are disproportionately impacted by poor HIV, sexual and reproductive health compared to their white counterparts:
Since 2021, the highest population rates of STI diagnoses were among people of Black and mixed ethnicities. Majority of these cases are among persons living in areas of high deprivation and are mainly influenced by underlying socioeconomic factors and their role in the social determinants of a community’s health rather than individual behavioural or clinical factors.
People of Black ethnicity are overrepresented in new HIV diagnoses. In 2022, 30% of new HIV diagnoses in the UK were among people of Black ethnicity despite only making up 3% of the population. Between 2021 and 2022 in England, new HIV diagnoses increased among people of Black African ethnicity by 65%.
People of Black Caribbean/Black other ethnicities have high mortality rates due to late-stage HIV diagnoses. Those first diagnosed at a late stage of infection in the UK in 2023 were 10 times more likely to die within a year.
The UK, US, and Canada have high Black maternal mortality rates. There is an almost four-fold difference in maternal mortality rates amongst women of Black ethnicity compared to women of white ethnicity.
Ageing with HIV has complex needs our health systems must be prepared for. The prevalence of long-term chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis have risen since 2017. About half of people living with HIV are aged 50 and over, and in 2022, 64% reported having been diagnosed with one or more long-term conditions in addition to HIV compared to 59% in 2017.
At the heart of our work is a passion and drive to redress health inequalities to enable all people from Black, Brown and Global Majority communities to enjoy positive sexual and mental health and well-being, rooted in the belief that health inequalities are social justice and human rights issues.
Our work is available in multiple languages and works across four key areas:
Care and support services for people impacted and living with HIV
Sexual health prevention and promotions services
Clinical services: HIV/selected STI pop-up services and psycho-therapeutic counselling
Research, influencing and policy