NAZ addresses sexual health inequalities through influencing policy and practice in the UK and beyond. Grounded in the core understanding that accessible and equitable health care is a human right and a social justice issue, we advocate for our communities' needs to local governments, Parliament, and health providers with the aim of sharing best practice and ensuring appropriate service provision.
We engage in global health capacity building and policymaking as the secretariat of the Global HIV Collaborative. Through this network, it is our aim is to improve HIV-related health outcomes for Black communities on an international scale and advocate for the structural eradication of racism embedded across the social determinants of health.
In order to achieve change, we undertake research to provide an evidence base to influence policy, contribute to policy consultations on sexual health matters and carry out service evaluations.
To learn more, email Christina Ganotakis, Policy and Insights Manager.

In September 2024, Naz joined with The Pleasure Project to officially become a Pleasure Endorser. This means that we commit to incorporating pleasure as an essential element of our sexual health advocacy.
We made the following pledges:
Action 1: Develop a collaboration with youth groups as a part of our programme to extend our work into youth spaces, in which we train both staff and young people on pleasure-based sexual health
Action 2: Ensure that our social media viewers and service users are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing
Action 3: Ensure our social media communications materials are inclusive, respectful and rights-based and amplify pleasure-centered health messaging